[REPOST] Simple is a pretty complicated thing
I’ve always obsessed with making it as simple as possible for our clients when deciding on ways to serve them better. At a smaller scale, it used to be “easy” to think of ways to make it simple for them, even when the “behind the scene” involved a pretty elaborate thought process.
Whether it be an all-inclusive pricing structure, a no fuss and no charge technical service strategy or even a “we-know-what-you-mean-by-2-TV-dinners” ordering process, we’ve been pretty good at keeping it simple.
As we are expanding, this goal becomes even more complicated to keep up, and quite frankly potentially exponentially more complicated with each new client and team member jumping on board. This is when we get to the second level of the battle of “simple vs. complicated”: How do we keep it simple for our clients while making it simple also for our team members to honor on a day-to-day basis? More clients mean more ways of expecting to be served and more team members means more ways of responding to these expectations. It can get messy pretty quickly.
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