[REPOST] What is YOUR Promise of Transformation?
The game of life...
We're all in the game of life to achieve a few worthwhile goals and most probably they involve serving and helping others with our unique skills. That includes our own companies, organizations, etc.
We have to convince others on that path to help us or most probably exchange money, so we can dedicate time and resources to help them.
Do we have a hard time sometimes explaining what it is that we do?
Do we sometimes have a hard time verbalizing how we can help?
The difference we can bring in their life?
Our Challenge...
In running my business and different projects where the team had to convince people to jump aboard as colleagues, partners or clients, what I realized is that we all are on our own hero's journey to achieve a few worthwhile goals, BUT we face constant obstacles and hurdles, some real and some imagined :-)
We constantly have to decide what will help us, and what will hurt us on our quest BUT the important part to realize is that we will ignore everything else. That constant monitoring is what guides our daily decisions and actions.
So, what does that mean for all of us trying to serve others? We know there are enough people out there that absolutely NEED us, but they just don't realize it. Right? Well, the onus is on us to make it clear to them. If they are not coming to you naturally, you need to project a better, clearer and crisper message.
You need a promise of transformation and it needs to be your mantra.
If you remember, I mentioned how we all are on a hero’s journey. In your serving role, you are a potential ally if they choose you along their path. They actually have the opportunity of taking a subpath on their journey and to CHANGE something that’s a hurdle. If you serve them well, they will have transformed, meaning they, in some area of their life, will never be the same, will never want to go backward with this new knowledge, habit or skills.
This applies to thought leadership, coaching services, etc. what I call intangible services BUT ALSO applies to tangible services or products. Imagine a book, a song, a restaurant or even meal packaging. They all imply some sort of transformation and if it is done very well, it is probably memorable and they will want more of it.
Why did we participate to Brendon, Dean and Ethan’s mastermind? To get access, get closer, meet similar minded individuals, be inspired but in the end, we’re all looking for some sort of transformation that will help us on our path. Personally, I wanted all those things but as a whole? I wanted help to transform in a more skilled thought leader and online marketer.
So how do we do that in our own corner of the world? It’s all about verbalizing how they will be different after they used your services or products. What kind of transformation will they have lived. A few questions to consider before creating your promise of transformation.
What obstacles or hurdles are they living in relation to your service or product? What unique impact can your service or product have on them? What does it look, feel, sounds like in their life once they have overcome that obstacle with your help? What is the usual reflex to try to overcome and what is your unique angle to get it done?
So, as an exemple, Solpak:
We sell trays made of pulp paper, film, and sealing equipment. Our clients are MOW, school caterers, remote camps, etc. They need to package their meals and transport them while ensuring they stay hot and don’t leak all over the bags or even worse get contaminated. The suppliers each do a little part of the equation and blame the other supplier whne something does not work. Big obstacles.
At first, when we would approach prospects and get asked, we would say we sell food trays. It was terrible. Not precise enough, not specific enough, and sounded like the other 23 guys that talked to them in the last year. Then, they would ask for pricing. Our products are superior quality and ecofriendliness and supported by superior service .
We help our clients improve their meal packaging and delivery systems with ecofriendly options and piece of mind service.
That one line sets up the promise of transformation. They are compelled because its all food packaging, now they hear meal packaging, they definitely want to improve their system and finally can switch to an ecofriendly option. This opens up the conversation on HOW we do that and that is what allows us to explain the reasons we claim to improve their system, how our solution does not leak, we handle the whole system. We ship overnight across the country, we offer free technical service, etc. Piece of mind.
The key here is to design a promise of transformation that you will deliver on. If not, you’re setting yourself up for a disaster in the making and damaging your brand.
Our clients, from their own words, tell us how they would not go back to how it was before with aluminum trays, or unreliable machines, etc. That’s very telling of a transformation as defined earlier.
In conclusion...
So, what is YOUR promise of transformation? What do your clients struggle with that you can help them overcome in a transformative way? What is special and unique about the way you can do that? How can you create a sentence that will trigger an automatic reaction of wanting to know more?
On the other hand, maybe you want to change what you are offering to align more with your skills?
So, what will YOUR promise of transformation be?
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